Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wilder then the Wild Things

This week was good. In fact this week was excellent. After conquering or at least doing averagely on my last mid-term, I embarked on what would become a five day bender. During five days, much drinking, hash smoking and general hedonism occurred.

- Drunken Monopoly topped off with late night Waffle House invasions. Karanina stole their hot sauce.

- Thursday night, drunken oldies dance parties downtown with the girls.

- Coffee with an ex, topped off with a argument about politics (welfare,crime,social Darwinism).
I told her that her argument was filtered though a white upper middle class place of privilege. Seriously, that chick as no concept of reality. She had nothing left to say and we changed the subject matter to something lighter.

- Lewis and Tyler’ serious rager. Who would of known these guys were capable of a party of that magnitude. Fun, but topped off with drunken girl drama which resolved itself upon sobriety.

-Getting “eighty sixed” from a lesbian party. Silly dykes.

- Where the Wild Things Are with Manan, Greg and Emily. I can’t think of anything good about this movie aside from some visual things. In short in was boring and depressing .It’s “deeper” elements regarding politics, social power, relations ships and divorce came off as heavy handed and failed to move me. I love Dave Eggers and Spike Jonez but this was a creative mess that wasn't even that creative. The monsters came off as spoiled Californian Urbanites wallowing in a self-pity induced quarter life crisis. It wouldn’t be hard to picture some of them sitting at the coffee shop and blogging their Mac book pro. Total waste of time and money.
I would have been better off seeing a cheesy slasher film at the peasant theater. I feel sorry for the kids who went expecting to have a fun time and ended up sitting though a two hour long mope fest.

- Then a pub quiz.

Well, benders may not be healthy I think they are good for the soul once and a while.
Now, I will return to my regularly scheduled life of eating well, working out and doing homework.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Let my spark die out in a brilliant blaze

Ah, midterms are upon us and Albuquerque’s weather is pissing me off. One minute it’s cold and windy the next it hot. Controlling temperature in this apartment equally frustrating, if I leave my window opens it’s cold if I keep it shut I burn up.

The last week was pretty eventful. I saw Brooklyn buzz band Passion Pit who’s brand of Post- Jamiroquai elect- pop left me underwhelmed and made me retreat further into my barricade of lo-fi , garage and punk rock. You know, music with an edge. Don’t get me wrong they have a couple bangers but the fifteen dollar cover was too steep for what I got out of it. Passion Pit are essentially Maroon 5 for Urban Outfitted high school kids and college students who have yet to discover something awesome and real like Pavement or the Stooges… sucks for them. On the plus, I did get to hang out with a cute girl.

This weekend was partytacular. Thursday I went to mediocre “art show” at a nice two story house being rented by some homosexuals hipsters. Christian referred to their house as the “Queen’s castle,” we all had a good laugh about the shitty “art.” I swear these days some people think that just because they were a stupid scarf and do something a little unorthodox with their hair they are some sort avant-garde bohemian wet dream. Yeah dude, your magazine cut out collage work is really challenging and lady, the Polaroids you took of your hipster friends looking particularly quirky are really moving and really raw.. Fuck that shit, some people shouldn’t be allowed to “express” themselves, not at the expense of me having to suffer looking at it.

After that we went to Anodyne and Burt’s and got tremendously drunk. I lost my keys (probably doing something stupid) but got a free lap dance from my sexy stripper friend. Jessi and Rosie gave us a ride back to Jodie’s, where I slept that night. The next morning I drove her “still drunk” ass to court and she bought me breakfast.

After recovering from our respective hangovers, we preceded to go to more parties. After getting drunk yet again we went Manan’s and smoked weed, Me and Christian also had the bright idea to each drink half a bottle of Robotussin which further fucked out shit up but I managed to ride Manan’s bike to my house where I passed out into a blissful slumber.

The night consisted of even more parties, which I shouldn’t have gone to considering the fact I think I may be getting sick..

OH , I'm also kicking ass in school and I got some bitches on the chain, so watch out!