Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall on Me

Fall is here, the trees are getting naked and everybody is dressing layers. I’ve noticed that the when the temperature drops, especially here in Albuquerque single people usually cling to whatever romantic prospect hovers closest to them. It makes complete sense really, It’s better to have a warm body next to you on cold nights. It’s nice to feel combine body temperatures with another person and create a warm caccoon of bed that is immune to the earth’s actual climate. Another person’s body is a luxury, but in all honesty as nice it would be, I feel like it’s a luxury I could live without. I don’t mind spending cold nights by myself. I remember a time when I felt lonely and I felt the empty space in my bed next to me was some sort of personal void.

I’m past that, maybe it’s been years of telling myself that I don’t need anyone and at some point I actually began to believe myself. I think that the truth is, I actually feel quite empowered to be emotionally independent, I feel an immense degree of satisfaction knowing that I can go wherever I want whenever I want with whoever I want without having to explain myself. I like the that I can ask out several girls all at once to the same event and pick which one I want to be with based on the responses I get. I like the idea that I may end up going to the event by myself and have opportunity of meeting someone else. Friend or lover. Seriously, being single is vastly underrated .

I hung out with a girl last night. We shared a pot of tea and went for a walk till we found a tranquil setting where we could just talk and enjoy each other’s company. I must admit I felt a little soft in this woman’s presence. For as much bitterness as I harbor for the female species once in a while, one will come along and remind me that intimacy can be quite nice. I will hang out with this girl more and things will develop or they will stay the same and I’m okay with either possibility. I’m happy that it’s fall. I’m happy to be independent. I’m happy it’s fall and I can wear sweaters and drink tea at anytime. I’m happy that I have surrounded myself with good friends. I’m happy that for whatever reason I have several beautiful women wanting to spend some of these cold nights with me. I’m happy I can walk around in the cold and get lost in the sounds of Neil Young and Galaxie 500, Silver Jews, Kurt Vile and Califone and listen to their guitars guide the crunchy leaves to the ground where they rest next cigarette butts from the mouths of people falling in and out of love.

Music can be as warm as a woman but sometimes the two go very well together. Bring on the fall