Saturday, February 20, 2010



I can sense my quarter-life crisis coming on…My future is uncertain and this is scary. I’m finding it progressively harder get out of bed in the morning. The sight of UNM campus pissed me off fills my head with animosity and rage. I’m pissed off that I’ve accumulated debt getting degree that is fundamentally useless.

Fuck Math

Algebra has become the bane of my existence. I really have been trying to do well at, I go to tutoring for at least a couple hours everyday but continue to confuse my self and makes small mistakes that fuck up everything. I swear that sometimes if I stare at the numbers long enough they get fuzzy and begin to resemble television static.

Fuck Women, Relationships and Dating

Dating seems stupid and pointless. Women my age and older are for the most part and understandably so- attracted to older guys with wealth and status. Guys that are in law school or becoming architects. I could get with girls that are younger but they are usually kind of dumb and uninteresting. They talk about stupid things likes how they were going to buy this one purse but opted to buy another purse instead or how great the Talking Heads are because they just discovered “Once in a lifetime” and are so over the Arcade Fire. I do not have the gumption to listen to that kind of nonsense. Use em for they’re worth I guess.

My options are to become hollow shell of a man and bed dumb girl after dumb girl or become complacent in a relationship with a girl that is possessive, needy and emotionally draining ( Cuz, face most of them are…). Neither of these option strike my fancy.
I’d rather just have a nice casual fling once in while, my biggest fear is having my freedom and independence stripped from me. The cost of being in a relationship seems to outweigh the benefits. No piece of ass, no mater how beautiful or engaging is worth my undivided attention and I’ll be damned if I have some woman tell what I can and can not do.

Fuck Allergies

They’re an inconvenience.

Fuck Mediocre Bands that wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Fuck band like Death Cab for Cutie. Boring and uninteresting. Ben Gibbards’ lyrical complexity more or less on par with the diary scribblings of an unkissed high school virgin. Even Coldplay is edgier then them.

Fuck Movies:

Most of them are too long and too expensive.

Fuck Hipsters

All they do is bitch about other hipsters and talk about books they’ve never even read.

Fuck Bros:

Video games and extreme sports are only cool if you are 12 years old. I'm convinced they spend most their money on energy drinks.

Fuck outspoken Gay People:

People would accept them if they didn’t makes such a big deal out of the fact that they are gay. We get it’s cool.

Fuck Political Activist:

You are nothing more then a walking bumper sticker.

Fuck the Government:

A self-serving mafia.

Fuck the Police:

Let’s give all the High school bullies of the world a gun and authority.

That’s it for now. Guess I’ll keep ramblin.

1 comment:

electricdunnahoo said...

Cheer up, bro. Its not so bleak. Your a handsome, intelligent guy. Your degree can get you places. Don't fret. Relax and let it all be.